caglarbozkurt-e1361020532897To introduce you to the natural wonders of Akyaka, we present our website – Akyaka.com

Akyaka.com has been carefully designed by our team – a team who loves Akyaka, and is happy to answer any question you may have about our village.

We have tried to describe its many charms, and give you all the details you need to make your visit as easy as possible.

To all those who love Akyaka, and to those who have yet to discover its delights, we hope our website will be a good guide for you.

We have tried to bring Akyaka to life through this site, but we know that it cannot possibly tell the whole story – Akyaka must be experienced for yourself. At the same time, it is always good to take advantage of the observations, experiences and knowledge of those who know Akyaka well in order to get even closer to this jewel of the Aegean.

With its pine forest, icy crystal clear rivers , peaceful shores, traditional Ula architecture, and traces of Ancient Lycia, Akyaka, located on the easternmost point of the beautiful Bay of Gökova is a slice of heaven.

We want you to have a wonderful stay in our precious village and ensure that you will take away many happy memories to treasure.
